4 seek Republican nomination to complete trustee term in Woodstock Twp

2022-07-30 03:44:42 By : Mr. Jack Shi

WOODSTOCK TWP. — Four Republicans are running to complete a term as trustee on the Woodstock Township Board. 

John D. Clark is looking to retain the position, while Wendy Chetkovich, Melvin Cure and Walter P. Szczechowski are running to complete the term, which expires in 2024.

Whoever wins the primary on Aug. 2 will advance to the general election in November and likely will be elected. No Democrats are running for the position. 

The Daily Telegram provided questionnaires to the candidates. The following are their responses, lightly edited for clarity and length.

Occupation: retired; was a quality manager in QS9000 for the automotive industry and an applications specialist in information technology. 

Spouse/children: married; two sons and one grandson. 

Government experience: precinct delegate for past eight years; work with other precinct delegates in other counties. 

Volunteer/community service experience: volunteer with Lenawee County Republican Party; delivered meals through the department on aging, formerly on church council. 

Why are you running for the board? I have been involved in serving my community through the efforts of a precinct delegate, being involved in elections and learning the ins and outs of the process and knowing many of the candidates. This has taught me that the more one is involved in their local government and aware of the processes we become much more knowledgeable and understand what the residents and officials alike go through. 

What do you think is the main challenge facing the township and what should be done about it? At this point, I have witnessed that our current officers have done and are doing exceptional and responsible work within our township. The biggest challenge may be the lack of communication between the public and officers. I would want to encourage the public to attend township meetings, write to your officers, ask questions and play a role in ensuring or feeling confident your township is run based on ordinances and laws. I am a process improvement person. 

Why should people vote for you? I care about our communities, citizens and all officials alike.  I would like to continue to serve our community in the best capacity possible, but I am also a root cause person and believe in getting to root causes of issues. I interact well with people and not shy to gain knowledge in areas I know nothing about or have little experience. 

Note: Some of Chetkovich’s responses were truncated because they exceeded the given word limits. 

The provided questions were not answered. Clark instead provided the following statement: “Greetings Woodstock Voters! I am retired Chief Master Sergeant John Clark, running for Trustee of Woodstock Township. I am married with four children and three grandkids. I was in the Air Force from 1975-2014 and was in charge of Aircraft Maintenance; F-16, when I retired. I have deployed many times over the years to include combat zones. After retirement, I started a home inspection company which I operated for five years. I have served on the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning  Commission in Woodstock Township. I was appointed as Trustee, in April of this year. Since holding this position, I was appointed liaison for the Planning Commission.  I helped arranged the past Spring Clean Up, and will be organizing the fall one in October; if elected. I have been involved with the Road Commission as well as answering complaints around  our community. I have addressed community issues to the Township Board. I am hoping to get Board approval for improvements of our historical cemeteries. As Trustee, I am one of five which validates the monies spent on township projects are spent wisely and fairly across the township.  

“We typically have a half dozen residents attending the monthly meetings. We have an open forum, where comments and concerns are welcomed. I have been sending reminders of our monthly meetings on next door, (site). I hope to bring a new prospective to the Township, through my diversity and experience. I am looking forward to serving our community for the next two years with your vote.” 

Occupation: retired from local 7-1 Sheet Metal Union and licensed mechanical contractor. 

Spouse/children: married for 37 years to Chari Cure; three daughters. 

Government experience: village of Cement City: elected as a councilman, then appointed as the vice president, then president. Served as the planning commission liaison to the council, as the representative on the Region 2 Planning Commission. Currently represent the village on the Greater Irish Hills Inter-Municipality Committee Board. I represent the village’s interests at the Addison Fire Board meetings and serve the village as their special projects manager. 

Woodstock Township: Was appointed on the planning commission and served as the planning board chairman, working on the standard zoning needs of the township, making amendments to the zoning book, and finalizing their master plan. 

Volunteer/community service: I have served my community by hands-on involvement with the annual Memorial Day parade/service, many years assisting the citizens with the village clean-up days, and assisted in mobilizing clean-up efforts after storms and other times of emergency. 

Why are you running for the board: I’ve been a resident of Woodstock Township for 35 years, involved with the village government for 20 years, and attended township meetings for the last 10 years. I have a good handle on how the township operates and attitudes of the people. I have a desire to see someone that’s willing to try their best to replace what they have lost with the resignation of the honorable Randy Kennard. 

What do you think is the main challenge facing the township and what should be done about it? The areas covered by Addison Fire/EMS must come together and man up the department properly with full- and part-time positions. Right now, they are inadequately staffed and underpaid. Due to budget restraints, the fire board and chief have done OK with what they have to work with. But the fire board members are in need of relaying that info back to their own boards and constituents. I believe that the public will respond well if they know the need up front and are allowed to have an open discussion about how much coverage and the cost. 

Why should people vote for you? I’ve been active in the community for many years with a heart for the people. I bring the experience of being an honorably discharged veteran that served during the Cold War. Worked in the building trades as a journeyman sheet metal worker and licensed mechanical contractor. Being an Ordained Minister for the Gospel of Jesus Christ I’m currently serving as an elder at Cement City Baptist Church. 

Note: Some of Cure's responses were truncated because they exceeded the given word limits. 

Occupation: retired; spent majority of professional career as a health care executive. 

Spouse/children: married; six children and 20 grandchildren. 

Volunteer/community service experience: city commission; chairing a countywide senior citizen program; serving my church as president of the parish council — school board president — treasury committee chairman — athletic club president and secretary; secretary/treasurer of a physical therapy company; fraternity vice president; member of a Michigan state health care committee; youth football and basketball coach; 55-year sports official at high school and collegiate level — baseball, basketball, football, softball (including state championship football game). 

Why are you running for the board? I was encouraged to run for trustee by friends and neighbors. They know me as an honest person, good listener and someone who can accomplish things. 

What do you think is the main challenge facing the township and what should be done about it? Not answered. 

Why should people vote for you? While I have no preset agenda, I want to ensure that Woodstock Township continues to be a great community in which to live and raise a family. I’ll do my best to serve the community and listen to citizens’ concerns. I won’t let politics influence any of my decisions.