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Kamal Bhachu, Alicia Rule and Tawsha Dykstra Thompson, from left.
Kamal Bhachu, Alicia Rule and Tawsha Dykstra Thompson, from left.
Editor’s note: This week, the Lynden Tribune is publishing campaign statements by each of the state’s LD42 candidates. On July 27, we will publish a special Q&A we have solicited of each candidate.
Years in Washington: I have lived in the US for 26 years and have been in Washington the whole time.
Profession: I work for Lynden Sheet Metal as a HVAC technician.
Experience as public servant: I am new to political candidacy and this form of public service.
My name is Kamal Bhachu, or Kamal for us all, and I am running for State Representative, 42nd district, Position 1.
We are a nation, a state, even a county divided. It is my desire to usher in a true and meaningful change. I want to be part of the process of inviting and engaging folks from every community to join in local government to ensure everyone who wants to be heard, has the opportunity. I am a blue-collar worker, not a polished politician. My goal as an elected official is to affect positive change and bring a fresh set of eyes to the table.
I bring a unique perspective having immigrated from India 26 years ago. I have seen politics handled for the people, not by the people.
One area of concern is our K-12 education. Recent test scores show a dramatic decline in academic performance. It’s critical we get back to teaching students the basics. Children have a natural passion to learn. We should encourage a love for reading, solid writing aptitude and math skills that will enable them to manage their own homes and be successful contributing members of our community.
I would like to see technical programs made available, and encouraged to high school students, and vocational training for graduates.
We must reevaluate our police legislation. The recent modifications are insufficient. Businesses are being targeted. Criminals are emboldened by a lack of consequence, and our jail is inadequate to house them. Crime, drugs and homelessness are rampant. People do not feel safe. This insecurity has a trickledown effect on our entire community and its economy. No one wants to live, raise a family or invest in an area that is being overrun with vandalism, retail theft, violent crime and dangerous drugs. Drug addicts wander the streets calculating how to score their next high. Fentanyl is killing our young people, and our law enforcement has been severely limited on what they can do. This must change.
We have work to do. I would love the opportunity to roll up my sleeves and serve you. I know firsthand what it means to live the American dream. We live in a country that gives the anticipation of hard work paying off.
I hope to revive that passion and restore some faith in the election process by running a campaign with integrity. I would be honored to have your vote.
Years in Washington: Born in Bellingham 40-plus years ago and raised outside of Lynden.
Profession: Licensed Independent Social Worker and Small Business Owner
Experience as public servant: Incumbent State Representative, former Blaine City Council Member
My family has been in Whatcom County for five generations – both sides of my great-grandparents immigrated from Holland, like so many of us in this region.
My grandparents owned a farm in Sumas. My father graduated from Lynden Christian and my mother from Nooksack. He was a truck driver, delivering hay for many local dairies, and my mother currently works for Peacehealth.
I graduated from Meridian High School (go Trojans!) and went on to get my bachelor’s degree from the UW and later a master’s degree.
I’ve focused my professional career as both a social worker and therapist in private practice.
I’ve professionally worked to help adoptions, in the schools helping kids who are struggling, support people living with disabilities, children who have been abused, sexual abuse survivors and hospice care.
Currently, I own Rule and Associates, a small therapy practice.
I’ve also launched and served as the past president of the Blaine Downtown Development Association, working with small business owners to help attract family wage jobs here.
Currently, I am serving my first term as a Representative for the 42nd Legislative District in Olympia.
I’m proud of the work we’ve accomplished on education, healthcare, and child mental health and welfare during my first term, but there is still a lot to do. I’ve always been active in the community. Over the years, I’ve volunteered countless hours, including for Kids in the Kitchen, an annual event combating childhood obesity, a backpack and school supply drives for low-income children, organizing a community wide health fair to help uninsured and underinsured children, as well as for community organizations like Junior League.
While I’ve had a lot of titles, the most important one to me is the mother of three boys.
Profession: Disaster Case Manager with Whatcom Long Term Recovery and School Bus Driver: Former Law Enforcement officer.
servant: Disaster Case Manager with Whatcom Long Term Recovery Group. Former police officer with the City of Bellingham, 23 years as Honor Guard member and commander of the Bellingham Police Honor Guard. Various roles with Bellingham Police Association.
Throughout my almost 25 years in law enforcement, I was honored to be a voice for those whose voice someone tried to silence. Many people today do not feel heard by the liberal, progressive Democrats. I did not feel heard.
As the Bellingham Police Union legislative advocate in Olympia, I warned our current representatives what would happen if they passed the anti-police legislation.
They did not listen and Whatcom County is less safe because of decisions made by our current representatives.
My priorities in Olympia will be:
• Public Safety - We need to support our Law Enforcement through clear legislation and investment in training. I will fight for a safer Whatcom County.
• Affordability - In spite of a $15 billion dollar budget surplus, there have been no tax breaks. The cost of housing and gas are beginning to price people out of this area. I will fight to hold Olympia accountable for how they spend our money.
• Education - Parents are dismissed and shamed when they question the appropriateness of CRT and current sexual theory promoted in many schools. Washingtonians want the next generation to have strong math and reading skills that will ensure this state’s future success. I will fight for parental rights and empowerment.
• Farming and agriculture - The agricultural industry is a cornerstone of the viability and success of Whatcom County. Without our farmers, we don’t eat.
I will fight for our farmers.
• Flood mitigation - Whatcom County experienced one of the most devastating floods in our history and yet, no action has been taken to prevent future flooding.
I will fight for common sense flood mitigation efforts.
I believe my diverse background, training and experience make me the most qualified candidate to represent the 42nd Legislative District. The motto of law enforcement is: To serve and protect.
I was honored to serve the citizens of Bellingham for almost 25 years.
If elected as your representative, it will be my honor to serve this community once again and I will fight to protect all that makes Whatcom County unique and special.
Some of my community endorsements include WCSO Sheriff Bill Elfo, Whatcom County Council Members Kathy Kershner and Ben Elenbaas, Port Commissioner Bobbie Briscoe, Nooksack Mayor Kevin Hester, Former State Representative Luanne VanWerven, retired Bellingham Police Chief Flo Simon, Bellingham Police Chief Becky Mertzig, Sumas Police Chief Dan DeBruin, WACOPS (Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs).