Fathom Digital Manufacturing Cor Down 8.89% To $3.79 After Earnings Beat

2022-08-20 04:39:24 By : Ms. Yan Cheung

Fathom Digital Manufacturing Cor (FATH) said before open Monday that it earned $0.01 per share in quarter two 2022. The company reported earnings on an adjusted basis, so it may not be directly comparable to analyst estimates or prior periods. On the revenue line, the company reported $42 million, missing estimates by $1.5 million. The stock is down 8.89% to $3.79 after the report. The firm's lower revenue growth to earnings signals that the firm has been able to reduce costs and improve its profit margin overall. Wall Street Analysts had an average rating of Buy on the stock prior to the report. InvestorsObserver gives the stock a Bullish Sentiment score at the moment based on recent trading. Fathom Digital Manufacturing Cor has performed a little below average during the past few months. Before the report, Fathom Digital Manufacturing Cor received a Long-Term Technical Rank by InvestorsObserver of 28, putting it in the bottom half of stocks. The firm was recently trading at a 52-week low of $3.18 on August 5, 2022 and set a 52-week high on January 26, 2022 at $11.5. Fathom Digital Manufacturing Corp is an on-demand digital manufacturing platform in North America, serving comprehensive product development and low- to mid-volume manufacturing needs. The company blends in-house capabilities across plastic and metal additive technologies, CNC machining, injection molding & tooling, sheet metal fabrication, and design and engineering.

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