Gov. Edwards Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments | Office of Governor John Bel Edwards

2022-06-19 00:40:27 By : Ms. Snow Wang

Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced his appointments to the following Louisiana boards and commissions.

Acadiana Area Human Services District

The Acadiana Area Human Services District (AAHSD) was created by the Louisiana State Legislature to provide administration, management, and operation of behavioral health (addictive disorders and mental health) and developmental disabilities services to the residents of Acadia, Evangeline, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin and Vermilion parishes.

Elizabeth F. West of Pine Prairie has been reappointed to the Acadiana Area Human Services District. West is a marketing manager for the Evangeline Parish Tourist Commission. She will serve in a seat reserved for a parent, consumer, or advocate in the field of developmental disabilities.

Amite River Basin Drainage and Water Conservation District

The Amite River Basin Drainage and Water Conservation District serves as a multi-parish authority to mitigate flood damage in the Amite River Basin. The Commission works to accomplish flood control measures by facilitating cooperation between federal, state and local governing bodies to foster floodplain management, maintaining and operating structures built under the auspices of the Commission, and coordinating river management within the basin.

Douglas A. Hillensbeck of Prairieville has been appointed to the Amite River Basin Drainage and Water Conservation District. Hillensbeck is the president of Kelly Pest Control Inc. He will represent Ascension Parish. 

The Louisiana State Arts Council receives applications for matching federal funds available from the National Endowment for the Arts and such other funds made available to the council and make recommendations thereon. The Council reviews and approves or rejects said grant applications from other governmental units, community arts councils, and other private, nonprofit, and tax-exempt groups. Additionally, the Council advises departmental officers on the design and execution of an annual state plan consistent with the goals and policies of the department as provided by federal and state law, rules, and regulations, and submits the plan to the National Endowment for the Arts.

Dr. Claire A. Schultz of Lafayette has been appointed to the Louisiana State Arts Council. Dr. Schultz is an assistant professor of visual arts at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She was nominated by the Louisiana Art Education Association and will represent the 3rd Congressional District and the 4th Planning District.

Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters

The Louisiana Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters was created for the purpose of encouraging proficiency in the practice of court reporting as a profession, promoting efficiency in court and general reporting, and extending to the courts and to the public the protection afforded by a standardized profession by establishing a standard of competency for those persons engaged in it.

Celeste P. Ware of Haynesville has been appointed to the Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters. Ware is a freelance court reporter. She will serve as a court reporter.

The Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee serves to make recommendations to the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners regarding rules and regulations for the appropriate training and competency of clinical laboratory personnel who are engaged in the practice of clinical laboratory science in a clinical laboratory operated by a physician licensed by the board exclusively in connection with the diagnosis and treatment of his own patients.

Dr. Lawrence A. Broussard of Prairieville has been reappointed to the Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee. Dr. Broussard is a professor of clinical laboratory sciences at LSU Health Sciences Center. He will serve as a clinical laboratory scientist-specialist and represent the 6th Congressional District.

Angela B. Foley of New Orleans has been reappointed to the Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee. Foley is a clinical associate professor for LSU Health Sciences Center. She will serve as an educator in a clinical laboratory science program from a two or four-year program and represent the 1st Congressional District.

Melissa B. Hamilton of River Ridge has been appointed to the Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee. Hamilton is a cytology laboratory supervisor for Ochsner Health New Orleans.  She will serve as a cytotechnologist and represent the 1st Congressional District.

Nadlyn N. Rideaux of Jennings has been appointed to the Clinical Laboratory Personnel Committee. Rideaux is a program director of medical laboratory science for South Louisiana Community College. She will serve as an administrator of a Louisiana community and technical college and will represent the 3rd Congressional District.

Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges

The Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges severs as the management board for Louisiana’s public two-year institutions. Their mission is to improve the quality of life of the state’s citizens through education programs offered through their colleges.

Ellis J. Bourque III of Lacombe has been appointed to the Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges. Bourque is a program director for New Orleans Pipe Trades. He was nominated by the AFL-CIO and will represent the 1st Congressional District.

The Louisiana Developmental Disability Council’s mission is to lead and promote advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Meredith F. Jordan of Madisonville has been appointed to the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council. Jordan is the director of diverse learners for the Louisiana Department of Education. She will represent the Department of Education.

Governor’s Advisory Council on Disability Affairs

The Governor’s Advisory Council on Disability Affairs was established by the Governor’s Office to adequately educate, address and resolve issues relative to the disability community. The mission of the office is to promote, encourage and support citizens with disabilities so they may have an equal opportunity to actively participate in all aspects of life.

Jamar Ennis of Prairieville has been appointed to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Disability Affairs. Ennis is the executive director of the Louisiana Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC). He will serve at-large.  

The mission of the Louisiana Economic Development Corporation is to reviews and administers financial assistance programs, including Small Business Loan, Micro Loan, Contract Loan, Venture Capital Match, Minority Venture Capital Match, Venture Capital Co-Investment, Louisiana Seed Capital Investment, BIDCO Investment, Specialty BIDCO Investment and Economic Development Award Program.

Oluwasuyi E. “Suyi” Georgewill of Bossier City has been appointed to the Louisiana Economic Development Corporation. Georgewill is general manager of the Cintas Corporation. He will serve as a minority member appointed from the business community at-large.  

Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission

The Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission has the responsibility to establish and publish standards of out-of-hospital practice; to regulate the scope of practice of Emergency Medical Services professionals, to discipline and regulate the practice of Emergency Medical Services professionals and to establish standards for educational programs preparing individuals for out of hospital practice.

Brandon C. Lee of Greenwood has been appointed to the Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission. Lee is a former captain of the Shreveport Fire Department. He was nominated by the Professional Firefighters Association of Louisiana. Dr. Navdeep S. Samra of Shreveport has been appointed to the Louisiana Emergency Medical Services Certification Commission. Dr. Samra is the director of the general surgery residency program and the director of trauma medicine for the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport. He will represent the American College of Surgeons.

Louisiana Emergency Response Commission (LERC)

The Louisiana Emergency Response Commission (LERC) coordinates and supervises implementation of the federal hazardous materials Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act within Louisiana. The LERC develops, coordinates, and leads the state emergency management program, enabling effective preparation for, response to, and recovery from emergencies and disasters in order to save lives, reduce human suffering, and minimize property loss.

Collette S. Duhe of New Orleans has been appointed to the Louisiana Emergency Response Commission. Duhe is an environmental health scientist manager for the Louisiana Department of Health. She will serve at-large.

Roy A. Robichaux Jr. of Belle Chasse has been appointed to the Louisiana Emergency Response Commission. Robichaux is fire chief for the Belle Chasse Volunteer Fire Department.  He will serve at-large.

The mission of the Louisiana Environmental Education Commission is to create a balanced statewide environmental education program for the purpose of identifying the needs and setting priorities for environmental education within the state.

David “Scott” Courtright of Baton Rouge has been appointed to the Louisiana Environmental Education Commission. Courtright owns Trinity Tree Consultants LLC. He will represent the small business community.

Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority

Nicholas Celona Jr. of Harvey has been appointed to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. Celona is the vice president of the government services division for Seafarers International Union of North America. He was nominated by the AFL-CIO.

Matthew C. Gresham of New Orleans has been appointed to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. Gresham is chief government affairs officer for the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. He will serve at-large.

Governor’s Advisory Board of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

The Governor’s Advisory Board of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention encourages and assists the state, units of local government, and private non-profit agencies in the comprehensive improvement of the juvenile justice system in the State of Louisiana by providing advice and counsel to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, the Louisiana Legislature, and the Governor on the ways and means to facilitate greater juvenile justice system effectiveness.

Leslie York-Jackson of Gonzales has been appointed to the Governor’s Advisory Board of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. York-Jackson is a post residential coordinator for the Louisiana National Guard Youth Challenge Program. She will represent programs that are alternatives to incarceration, including programs providing organized recreational activities.  

Law Enforcement Executive Management Institute

The purpose of the Law Enforcement Executive Management Institute Governing Board is to promote the public peace, by establishing training programs for municipal chiefs of police to provide management courses and skills to enhance the safety of the citizens of Louisiana and the enforcement of state laws.

Mayor David C. Butler II of Woodworth has been reappointed to the Law Enforcement Executive Management Institute. Butler is mayor of the City of Woodworth. He will serve as a mayor representing the Louisiana Municipal Association.

Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners

The Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners is responsible for the regulation of Provisional Licensed Professional Counselors or PLPCs (formerly Counselor Interns), Provisional Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists or PLMFTs (formerly MFT Interns), Licensed Professional Counselors or LPCs, and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists or LMFTs.

Dr. Earnest E. Airhia of Metairie has been reappointed to the Louisiana Licensed Professional Counselors Board of Examiners. Dr. Airhia is president and clinical director of Greenpath International Inc. He will serve as a licensed professional counselor.

Life Safety and Property Protection Education Board

The Louisiana Life Safety and Property Protection Advisory Board serves to create initial and continuing education requirements for individuals licensed to perform Life Safety and Property Protection contracting.

Daniel J. Brown of Madisonville has been reappointed to the Life Safety and Property Protection Education Board. Brown is manager of strategic projects for the Hiller Companies. He will serve as a representative of technical endorsements for fire suppression.

Blaine M. Champagne of Maurice has been reappointed to the Life Safety and Property Protection Education Board. Champagne is a senior integration technician for Sound and Communication Systems Inc. He will serve as a representative of technical endorsements for locksmiths.

Lee I. Gillen of Pineville has been reappointed to the Life Safety and Property Protection Education Board. Gillen is in the system design and sales department for Brown Security and Life Safety Systems. He will serve as a representative of technical endorsements for security.

Louisiana Naval War Memorial Commission

The Louisiana Naval War Memorial Commission was created within the Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism. The Commission looks after the destroyer the USS Kidd and other property acquired for use as a permanent public Naval and Marine Corps Memorial.

Col. David W. Couvillon of Port Allen has been appointed to the Louisiana Naval War Memorial Commission. Col. Couvillon is the CEO of the Office of Group Benefits for the State of Louisiana. He will serve at-large.

Parish Boards of Election Supervisors The purpose of the board in each parish is to oversee and supervise all elections within the parish to ensure the safety and accuracy of the democratic process. The Board of Election Supervisors oversees the preparation and conducting of each election in the parish. Each parish’s board is composed of the parish’s registrar of voters, the parish’s clerk of court, the chairman of the parish executive committee of each recognized political party, and one member appointed by the governor.

Katherine S. Grosche of Bogalusa has been appointed to the Parish Boards of Election Supervisors. Grosche is a retired deputy sheriff. She will serve as election supervisor of Washington Parish.

Our mission is to serve and protect the public interest in real estate transactions and other real estate related activities. We accomplish this by maintaining a tradition of open government; providing fair and equitable administration and enforcement of the Louisiana Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules and Regulations; and through the development of progressive education programs that promote knowledge, ethics, and advancement of the real estate industry.

Hanna L. Chustz of Jarreau has been appointed to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Chustz is a real estate broker for the Louisiana Real Estate Group. She will represent the 5th Supreme Court District.

Tony Lee Corner of Lake Charles has been appointed to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Corner is an associate broker for Century 21 Bono Realty. He will represent the 3rd Congressional District.

Doneva P. Halphen of Madisonville has been appointed to the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Halphen is a managing broker for Coldwell Banker LLC. She will represent the 1st Supreme Court District.

The Southern Rail Commission will promote the safe, reliable, and efficient movement of people and goods to enhance economic development along rail corridors; provide transportation choices; and facilitate emergency evacuation routes.

Christopher D. Christianson of Collinston has been appointed to the Southern Rail Commission. Christianson is the legislative director for the International Association of Sheet Metal Air Rail and Transportation (SMART-TD). He will serve as a citizen at-large.

Louisiana State Interagency Coordinating Council for Earlysteps

The Louisiana State Interagency Coordinating Council for EarlySteps serves to advise and assist the Lead Agency in the performance of its responsibilities, particularly in regard to: (a) identification of the sources of fiscal and other support for early intervention services; (b) assignment of financial responsibility to the appropriate agency; and, (c) promotion of interagency agreements. The board also advises and assists the Lead Agency in the preparation of applications, the transition of infants and toddlers to preschool or other appropriate services at age three, and the preparation and submission of an annual report to the Governor and to appropriate federal authorities on the Status of EarlySteps.

Kathryn M. Smitherman of Shreveport has been appointed to the Louisiana State Interagency Coordinating Council for Earlysteps. Smitherman is a self-employed attorney. She will serve as a parent of a child with disabilities age twelve or younger, with knowledge or experience with programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities.

Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board

The Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board provides services in a flexible, individualized manner to Louisiana citizens with traumatic head or traumatic spinal cord injuries. The board administers a program which enables individuals to return to a reasonable level of functioning and independent living in their communities.

Dr. John T. Fanning of Jefferson has been reappointed to the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board. Dr. Fanning is a clinical psychologist. He will serve as a representative of an organization recognized for its work in advocacy programs for persons with traumatic head injuries.

Andrew O. Kuyoro of Baton Rouge has been reappointed to the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board. Kuyoro is an engineering technician for the Louisiana Department of Transportation. He will serve as a family member of a survivor of a spinal cord injury.

Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council

The primary function of the council is to review and adopt the state uniform construction code, provide training and education of code officials, and accept all requests for amendments of the code, except the Louisiana State Plumbing Code. Specifically, the council establishes the requirements and process for the certification and continuing education of code enforcement officers, code enforcement inspectors, third party providers and building officials and determines whether amendments to the state uniform construction code are justified.

Hillary R. “Butch” Browning Jr. of Port Allen has been appointed to the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council. Browning recently retired as the State Fire Marshall. He will serve at-large.

The Water Resources Commission is responsible for working with the Commissioner of Conservation to prevent waste of ground water resources and to prevent or alleviate damaging or potentially damaging subsidence of the land surface caused by withdrawal of ground water.

Captain Edward M. “Michael” Bopp of Covington has been reappointed to the Water Resources Commission. Captain Bopp is the president of the Crescent River Port Pilots Association.

Dennis G. Lambert of Lettsworth has been appointed to the Water Resources Commission. Lambert is a benefit-cost analyst for flood mitigation for Innovative Emerge Management Inc. (IEM). He will serve as an engineer with expertise in ground water resource management.