Voices will be the stars of the stage when the curtain rises Saturday on "The Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical Theater Project" at the Capitol Theater in Burlington.
“A lot of the color and drama comes through in these voices,” said Lori Wilson, director and producer. “Everyone in the production has big voices.”
The cast of about 20 performers range in age from 9 to 60 and have toiled on the stage for the past month, sharpening their voices and preparing two to three times per week for opening night.
“I find what the students can sing and put them in that position,” Wilson told The Hawk Eye during a rehearsal of the show Tuesday. “There is a lot of really talented people in the show.”
The show is accompanied by pianist Jerry Lalaga and percussionist Scott Teater, whose their instrumental talents keep the performance moving in harmony with the variety of voices.
“He’s magical," Wilson said of Teater. "It’s like Disney in a box.”
Magical is a way to describe the show. There are laughs, dramatic tensions and voices. Operatic, room filling and even haunting voices. Yes, voices.
“I think we have some great voices in the community, of all ages, and they are really good at what they do,” said cast member Lily Schuster, of Burlington, who belts out some amazing sounds as Esmerelda.
The production is the creation of the energetic Wilson, a New York-educated and classically trained singer who sang opera for the first 14 years of her musical career. She is a 1985 Burlington High School graduate and returned to her hometown of Burlington 12 years ago.
Wilson said the music is difficult and the Hunchback story has been told in many ways. She has taken the time to cultivate the talent so each individual voice shines.
“One of the most intriguing parts of the setting is that the chords are very, very rich with a lot of overlapping voices,” said Wilson. “It’s so dramatic and amazing.”
Wilson said she put the kids into certain songs so they can be the best they can be and spotlight who they are.
“They come out of the practices with self confidents and a love of music,” said Wilson.
The cast agreed and praised Wilson after the Tuesday practice for her ability to tune into their unique voices.
Wilson has been cultivating the cast since this past spring when she toured area high schools and talked with music and drama teachers, who helped her orchestrate the cast. Others have chipped in for the production.
The cast features students from area high school including: Danville, Notre Dame, West Burlington, Illini West, Mount Pleasant and Great River Christian School. There also are students from Southeastern Community College, University of Northern Iowa and select members of the Bel Canto Choir.
The show is part of Lori Wilson's efforts to recruit and bring attention to a "Honors Vocal Performance Class" offered this fall at Southeastern Community College for high school students. She has been teaching in the music department at the college for the past seven years.
The class is part of the Jumpstart program, and will earn participants high school credit toward their graduation, as well as, a college credit from SCC.
She said students in the class will get a glimpse of the knowledge and skill-set needed to become great musical performers. And for those interested in music as a career, whether it's performing or teaching, this experience will give them an understanding of what it takes to succeed.
It was while touring area high schools to introduce the new class that the Hunchback project took root.
Along with the Hunchback program, Wilson also has held a summer camp for the younger children. That program will end with the production of “One More Song” at 7 p.m. Friday at The Capitol Theater. Tickets are $10 at the door and children are free.
Then the stage will be graced by a 12-foot Notre Dame Cathedral that Wilson and others created for a dramatic backdrop to the Hunchback project.
“I’m a little bit scared, but I think it’s going to go well. We have a talented cast,” said the Hunchback himself, Max Moore, 16, of Danville, who plays Quasimodo.
“This is my lifeblood,” said cast member Kennedy Schuff of West Burlington, who plays a narrator. “It’s filled my heart and I’m so proud of all of us.”
“I think it’s going to be great and everyone should come to the show,” said Schuster.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Musical Theater Project will be at 7 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday at The Capitol Theater, 211 N. Third St. in Burlington. Tickets are for sale at the door $10 for adults and $5 for children.